Alamo Regional Transit (ART)

- Service Area
- Schedule a Ride
- Youth Transportation
- Charter & Shuttle Services
- GTFS Developer Page
- Title VI Policy
- Ecolane Mobile App
- Connect Seguin
- Atascosa Cowboy Connect
- Wilson County Connect
Service Area
Alamo Regional Transit (ART) serves 12 rural counties - Atascosa, Bandera, Comal, Frio, Gillespie, Guadalupe, Karnes, Kendall, Kerr, Medina, McMullen, and Wilson. View ART's coverage area.
- Demand response
- Curb-to-curb transportation service
- Medical (ART helps the public get to their medical appointments. Examples of medical appointments can be for routine dialysis, routine checkup, dental, physical therapy, and many other types of medical needs.)
- Senior (ART transports riders that are retired and no longer drive. ART picks the rider up at their home and takes them to the grocery store, medical appointments, to pay bills, to the local senior center for lunch and activities, or to a friend's house to visit.)
ART offers Individual and Group Trip Service to be used for the public and during our normal hours of operation.
- Senior outings
- Child Daycare outings
- Event trips
- Shopping trips
- And more!
Transportation Services
ART provides public transportation for residents in the rural counties. Service in Bexar County is limited.
Schedule A Ride
To schedule a ride, call dispatch at least 24 hours in advance and by noon the previous business day. Trips can be booked up to 30 days in advance and are on a first come basis.
ART drivers may assist with small packages and may escort passengers to and from the front door of their home or destination within reason. Drivers may also assist passengers up and down the stairs of the ART bus.
- Step No. 1: Call Dispatch
Call the ART Dispatch Center at 1-866-889-7433. Reservations must be made by noon the day before you need to travel. You may schedule up to 30 days in advance. Please schedule your ride as early as possible as reservations are on a first come, first served basis. Upon scheduling your reservation, the ART Dispatch Center will provide you with an approximate pick up time. - Step No. 2: Meet Your ART Driver
Be ready to meet the ART driver at the agreed pick up location. ART drivers will wait for 10 minutes after arrival. Once boarding the ART bus, pay the driver the exact fare and you are on your way to your destination! Please note that ART drivers are not allowed to give change or enter the customer’s home. - Step No. 3: Schedule Your Return Trip
The third and final step is to schedule your return trip. Your return trip must be scheduled after your initial reservation or appointment for your first ride. To schedule your return trip, please call the ART Dispatch Center at 1-866-889-7433. You will be picked up within one hour. Please note that drivers are not expected to look for passengers who are not at the agreed pick up location.
If you are interested in our Youth Transportation service please download the Youth Transportation Request form and email it to If you have any questions please contact Doris Martinez at either or 210-970-9736. You may also contact ART's reservation center Monday through Friday 7am to 6pm at 1-866-889-7433.
Charter & Shuttle Services
ART's Charter Service is available for the exclusive use of our vehicles, during and/or outside of our normal operating hours and/or days. This service is different than the Group Trips Service in that this will secure the service only for the selected group and/or more daily/hourly availability.
- Parking lot shuttles
- Event site shuttles
- Group trips outside of our region
- Weekend group trips
- Weekend events
- And more!
Take advantage of these services using our Ecolane Mobility App!
- Call 1-866-889-7433 to register for an account with one of our phone operators.
- Upon registering, users will receive an email with login information and a link to download the mobile app.
- After downloading the Ecolane App, login and select "Alamo Area" as your location.
- Once logged in, residents may begin using the app to schedule, view the status of, and cancel on-demand service with the click of a button.
Welcome to the Alamo Regional Transit GTFS Developer Page
TERMS of USE Click HERE to view Alamo Regional Transit's Data License Agreement and Terms of Use. We want you to create great software for Alamo Regional Transit riders. Software developers can use Alamo Regional Transit schedule data for your website, software or a smartphone app. The data is provided in the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) format. How much does it cost? The GTFS data feed can be accessed for FREE! Can we use Alamo Regional Transit Logo or Graphics? Use of Alamo Regional Transit branding or other Alamo Regional Transit intellectual property is not currently allowed. Licensing may be available in the future. Develop Registration Registering your application with Alamo Regional Transit is not required to access the data feeds. What is GTFS The General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) is an open data format for transit schedules and service data. GTFS was developed by Google and Portland TriMet and was originally known as the Google Transit Feed Specification. GTFS data is produced by hundreds of transit agencies to deliver content for inclusion in maps and transit navigation services, including Google Maps. A GTFS feed is typically presented as a series of text files with comma-separated values that conform to the specification. Each file is essentially a table in the relational database that is the whole package. General Transit Feed Specification Alamo Regional Transit schedule data is GTFS is available for download by accessing the GTFS Developer Page. By accessing the GTFS developer page file, I agree to the Alamo Regional Transit Data Terms of Use and want to access the data. Click HERE to access the GTFS Developer File.
The Law
ART hereby gives public notice of its policy to uphold and assure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all related statutes. Title VI and related statutes prohibiting discrimination in federally assisted programs require that no person in the United States of America shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
Filing a Complaint
Any person who believes they have been aggrieved by an unlawful discriminatory practice regarding ART’s Title VI Program has a right to file a formal complaint. Any such complaint must be in writing and submitted to ART's Title VI Coordinator within 180 days following the date of the alleged occurrence. For more information regarding civil rights complaints or if information is needed in another language, please contact: ART, 2700 NE Loop 410 ste 101, San Antonio, TX 78217 or by Tele: (210) 832-5037.
Title VI Complaint Procedure
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires that no person in the United States, on the grounds of race, color or national origin be excluded from, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination, under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
Any person who believes that they have been subjected to discrimination may file a written complaint with ART’s Office. Federal and state law requires complaints be filed within one-hundred eighty (180) calendar days of the last alleged incident.
A complaint form may be obtained or a complainant may be submitted in a written statement that contains the following information:
a. Name, address, and telephone number of the complainant.
b. Names of person(s) who allegedly discriminated against you, if known.
c. Date(s) of alleged incident.
d. Location of alleged incident.
e. Type of alleged discrimination.
f. Explain what happened and how you believe you were discriminated against.
g. Name, addresses and telephone numbers of persons who may have knowledge of the event.
h. What other information do you have that you believe is relevant to this investigation?
i. Have you filed a complaint with ART before? If so, include: when, where and how.
j. Complainant’s signature and date.
k. The complaint may be emailed to or mailed to ART Title VI Complaint Coordinator at 2700 NE Loop 410 ste 101, San Antonio, TX 78217 or faxed to (210) 832-5037.
What Happens To My Complaint?
The Title VI Complaint Coordinator will contact the complainant in writing no later than fifteen (15) working days after receipt of complaint for additional information, if needed to investigate the complaint. If the complainant fails to provide the requested information in a timely basis, the Title VI Complaint Coordinator may administratively close the complaint.
The Title VI Complaint Coordinator will complete the investigation within thirty (30) days of receipt of the complaint. A written investigation report will be prepared by the investigator. The report shall include a summary description of the incident, findings and recommendations. The Alamo Regional Transit Director and Title VI Complaint Coordinator will review the report. A closing letter will be provided to the complainant.
If the matter cannot be resolved, then the complainant can make an appeal request to the ART Area Judges Board within sixty (60) days of the incident. The written appeal must include the customer’s name, address, and telephone contact number. A statement of reason(s) why the applicant believes the denial of accommodation request or access to public transportation was inappropriate is recommended. If the matter cannot be resolved, the complainant will be informed of his/her right to appeal to:
Federal Transit Administration – Office of Civil Rights
Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th Floor - TCR
1200 New Jersey Ave., SE. Washington, DC 20590
Title VI Complaint Form
Title VI Complaint Form - ART will provide assistance to complainants who are limited in their ability to communicate in English.
Titulo VI
Compromiso de Alamo Regional Transit con los derechos civiles
Por ese medio, ART informa al público que su política es de respetar y asegurar el cumplimiento total del Título VI de la Ley de los Derechos Civiles de 1964 y todos los estatutos relacionados. El Título VI y los estatutos relacionados prohíben la discriminación en los programas que reciben asistencia federal y establecen que “ninguna persona en los Estados Unidos, con base en su raza, color, u origen nacional, sea excluida de participar, negada beneficios, o sujeta a discriminación en cualquier programa o actividad que reciba ayuda financiera federal”.
Cualquier persona que crea haber sido afectada por un acto ilegal de discriminación en relación a los programas de ART, tiene el derecho a presentar una queja formal. Cualquier queja debe ser presentada por escrito y entregada al Coordinador de Quejas del Título VI dentro de ciento ochenta (180) días a partir de la supuesta discriminación. Para obtener más información con respecto a las quejas sobre los derechos civiles, por favor llame a: ART, 2700 NE Loop 410 st 101, San Antonio, TX 78217-6228, o por teléfono: (210) 832-5037.
Procedimiento para presentar una queja por faltas al Título VI
El Título VI de la Ley de los Derechos Civiles de 1964 establece que ninguna persona en los Estados Unidos, con base en su raza, color, u origen nacional, sea excluida de participar, negada beneficios, o sujeta a discriminación en cualquier programa o actividad que reciba ayuda financiera federal.
Cualquier persona que crea haber sido sometida a discriminación puede presentar una queja por escrito con la Oficina de ART. La ley estatal y federal requiere que las quejas sean presentadas dentro de ciento ochenta (180) días calendario a partir de la fecha de la supuesta discriminación.
Se puede obtener el formulario para presentar una queja, o la puede presentar mediante un documento escrito que contenga la siguiente información:
a. Nombre, dirección y número de teléfono de la persona que presenta la queja.
b. Nombre de la(s) persona(s) que supuestamente discriminaron contra usted, si lo(s) tiene.
c. Fecha(s) de la supuesta discriminación.
d. Lugar de la supuesta discriminación.
e. Tipo de la supuesta discriminación.
f. Explique qué pasó y por qué cree que discriminaron en su contra.
g. Nombre, dirección, y teléfono de cualquier persona que pueda tener conocimiento sobre la supuesta discriminación.
h. ¿Qué otra información tiene usted que crea que sea relevante a esta investigación?
i. ¿Ha presentado alguna otra queja con ART? Si lo ha hecho, diga: cuándo, dónde, y cómo.
j. La firma de la persona que presenta la queja y la fecha.
k. La queja se debe enviar a: ART Title VI Complaint Coordinator, 2700 NE Loop 410 ste 101, San Antonio, TX 78217, o se puede mandar por fax al 210-832-5037.
¿Qué pasa con mi queja?
El coordinador de quejas del Título VI se contactará con la persona que presentó la queja a más tardar en quince (15) días hábiles después de haber recibido la queja para pedir más información, si es necesaria, para investigar la queja. Si la persona que presentó la queja no proporciona la información que se le pide en el tiempo indicado, el coordinador puede, administrativamente, dar por concluida la queja.
El coordinador de quejas del Título VI tiene treinta (30) días para terminar la investigación a partir de la fecha en que recibe la queja. El investigador presentará un reporte escrito sobre la investigación. El reporte debe incluir un resumen del incidente, sus conclusiones y recomendaciones. El Director Regional de Tránsito y el Coordinador de Quejas del Título VI revisarán el reporte. Se enviará una carta a la persona que presentó la queja con las conclusiones de la investigación y las decisiones.
Si el caso no se puede resolver, la persona que presentó la queja puede presentar una apelación al Consejo de Jueces de Área de ART dentro de sesenta (60) días del incidente. La apelación escrita debe incluir el nombre, la dirección, y el teléfono del cliente. Recomendamos que incluya las razones por las que el solicitante cree que no fue apropiado que le nieguen las adaptaciones o el acceso al transporte público. Si el caso todavía no se puede resolver, se le informará de su derecho a apelar a:
Oficina de Derechos Civiles de la Administración Federal de Tránsito: Federal Transit Administration – Office of Civil Rights
Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th Floor - TCR
1200 New Jersey Ave., SE. Washington, DC 20590
Forma para presentar quejas por faltas al Título VI
Haga clic aquí para descargar la Forma Para Quejas del Título VI en formato .PDF
ART le brindará la ayuda adecuada a las personas con inglés limitado que quieran presentar una queja.
Book your ride in the Ecolane Mobile App

1. Call 866-889-7433
2.Our dispatcher will use your information to create your profile and send you an email with a link to download the mobile app
3.Download the Ecolane App
4.Use your login credentials (included in the previously sent email) to access your profile
5.Select ‘Alamo Regional Transit’ from the list of service providers
6.Schedule your next trip!

Ecolane Mobility App - #ARTonDemand
The use of smart devices, especially to secure transportation, has become more frequent in recent years. In an effort to offer an efficient, demand response, curb-to-curb transportation service, Alamo Regional Transit (ART) now offers the Ecolane Mobility App.
To begin using the app, residents in the 13-county service area can:
1. Call 1-866-889-7433 to register for an account with one of our phone operators.
2. Upon registering, users will receive an email with login information and a link to download the mobile app.
3. After downloading the Ecolane App, login and select "Alamo Area" as your location.
4. Once logged in, residents may begin using the app to schedule, view the status of, and cancel on-demand service with the click of a button.
*Please note: You can book using your phone or personal computer.
A Deviated Fixed Route Transit System in Seguin
Transportation Services
Since 2013 Connect Seguin has been taking citizens to major destinations around town through its public transit service. The transportation is convenient, air conditioned, and wheelchair accessible. Downtown's Central Park, Guadalupe Regional Medical Center and Texas Lutheran University are among the route. Although the Connect Seguin bus stops are near retail centers, business offices and residential areas, many are within walking distance to other points of interest.
Keeping you in the loop with public transit!
Take a look at the Map online to see how you can use the service to fit your needs! Save the Earth and ride the bus today!
For more information click HERE

A Deviated Fixed Route Transit System in Atascosa County

Connecting Communities
In partnership with Atascosa County and the cities of Jourdanton, Poteet, and Pleasanton, Alamo Regional Transit started a new transit system in Atascosa County on July 1, 2020. This route has since evolved and changes were made from comments of residents in the communities. Atascosa Cowboy Connect will bring together the three commuities, servicing all residents at the affordable rates and reliable transportation ART is known for. Atascosa Cowboy Connect is a time point transit system that will follow a set route connecting the cities, but can also deviate up to a .5 mile to include those that may not be able to get to the route, for an additional cost. These two loops, each one hour long, will connect residents of Jourdanton and Poteet to Pleasanton from residences to places of employment, County offices, retail centers and much more.
Bus Schedule
The route from Jourdanton to Pleasanton departs the Jourdanton Housing Authority every hour, going to destinations locally like Jourdanton High School, the County Courthouse, Jourdanton City Hall, and the Methodist South Hospital, continuing to destinations in Pleasanton like Wal-Mart, H-E-B, Pleasanton Housing, and various medical offices along the route.
The route from Poteet to Pleasanton departs the Poteet Housing Authority every hour, going to destinations locally like the Lowe's and Poteet Town Hall, continuing to destinations in Pleasanton like the Coastal Bend College, UPS store, H-E-B, Pleasanton Library, River Park, and various other stops along the way.
Transfers can be made at H-E-B from one route to another, for the same fee.

Procedure to File a Complaint under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The American's with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity and access for persons with disabilities. ALAMO REGIONAL TRANSIT is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of its services on the basis of disability.
- Ensuring that the level and quality of transportation service is provided without regard to disability;
- Preventing the denial, reduction or delay in benefits related to programs and activities that benefit those with a disability; and
- Ensuring meaningful access to programs and activities by persons with disabilities.